Pennsylvanian Invertebrates of the Mazon Creek Area, Illinois: The Morphology and Affinities of Tullimonstrum: Fieldiana, Geology, Vol.12, No.8 (Hardcover)
Pennsylvanian Invertebrates of the Mazon Creek Area, Illinois: The Morphology and Affinities of Tullimonstrum: Fieldiana, Geology, Vol.12, No.8 (Paperback)
Pennsylvanian Invertebrates of the Mazon Creek Area, Illinois: The Morphology and Affinities of Tullimonstrum: Fieldiana, Geology, Vol.12, No.8 (Paperback)
Pennsylvanian Invertebrates of the Mazon Creek Area, Illinois: The Morphology and Affinities of Tullimonstrum: Fieldiana, Geology, Vol.12, No.8 (Hardcover)