- Interfaces and Controversies in Gastroenterology / Challenges of Liver Cirrhosis and Tumors: Prevent It, Treat It, Manage Consequences: Interfaces and (Paperback) - Falk Symposium 185, Mainz, October 2012: Challenges of Liver Cirrhosis and Tumors: Prevent It, Treat It, Manage Consequences: Falk Symposium 186, Main
- J. M봲sner , C. Ell, P. R. Galle, C. Meyenberger (엮은이)
- S Karger Ag | 2012년 01월 | 2012년 01월
- 90,720원 (10% 할인 / 2,730원)
- 택배로 주문하면 2월 18일 출고 변경