Efficacia dell'additivo per mangimi Probiotico sulle prestazioni dei polli da carne (Paperback) - Efficacia comparativa degli antibiotici per mangimi disponibili in commercio sulle prestazioni dei polli da carne
Efficacy of Feed additive Probiotic on Broiler Performance (Paperback) - Comparative efficacy of commercially available feed additive antibiotics on Broiler Performance
Wirksamkeit des Futtermittelzusatzstoffes Probiotic auf die Leistung von Masthahnchen (Paperback) - Vergleichende Wirksamkeit kommerziell erhaltlicher Futterzusatz-Antibiotika auf die Leistung von Masthahnchen
Effect of fiber degrading Enzymes on broiler chicks (Paperback) - Effect of supplemental fiber degrading Enzymes (Natuzyme) on the utilization of high fiber and low energy diets in broiler chicks
Efficacite d'un additif alimentaire probiotique sur les performances des poulets de chair (Paperback) - Efficacite comparative des antibiotiques additifs pour l'alimentation animale disponibles dans le commerce sur les performances des poulets de chair