Frontiers of the Roman Empire: The African Frontiers : Grenzen des Romischen Reiches: Die Grenzen in Afrika / Frontieres de l´Empire Romain: Les front (Paperback)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire: The Upper Germanic Limes : Grenzen des Romischen Reiches: Der Obergermanische Limes / Frontieres de l´Empire Romain: Le (Paperback)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire: The Roman Army and the Limes / The Roman Limes in Hungary : A Romai Birodalom Hatarai: A Romai Hadsereg a Limesen / A R (Paperback)
Invaders of Scotland (Paperback) - An Introduction to the Archaeology of the Romans, Scots, Angles, and Vikings, Highlighting the Monuments in the Care of the Secretary of State for
Frontiers of the Roman Empire: The Lower German Limes : Grenzen van het Romeinse Rijk: De Nedergermaanse Limes / Grenzen des Romischen Reiches: Der Ni (Paperback)
Frontiers of the Roman Empire: The Saxon Shore and the Maritime Coast : Frontieres de l’Empire Romain : Le Litus Saxonicum et la Cote Maritime (Paperback)