Polychronicon Ranulphi Higden Monachi Cestrensis V1: Together With The English Translations Of John Trevisa And Of An Unknown Writer Of The Fifteenth (Paperback)
Polychronicon Ranulphi Higden Monachi Cestrensis V1: Together With The English Translations Of John Trevisa And Of An Unknown Writer Of The Fifteenth (Paperback)
Hyperides kata Demosthenous. The oration of Hyperides aganist Demosthenes, respecting the treasure of Harpalus; the fragments of the Greek text, now f (Hardcover)
The Influence of Christianity in Promoting the Abolition of Slavery in Europe: A Dissertation Which Obtained the Hulsean Prize, Fob the Year 1845 (Cla (Paperback)
Mr. Macaulay's Character of the Clergy in the Latter Part of the Seventeenth Century, Considered: With an Appendix on His Character of the Gentry, as (Hardcover)
Mr. Macaulay's Character of the Clergy in the Latter Part of the Seventeenth Century, Considered. with an Appendix on His Character of the Gentry, as (Hardcover)
Mr. Macaulay's Character of the Clergy in the Latter Part of the Seventeenth Century, Considered. with an Appendix on His Character of the Gentry, as (Paperback)
Polychronicon Ranulphi Higden Monachi Cestrensis V1: Together with the English Translations of John Trevisa and of an Unknown Writer of the Fifteenth (Hardcover)