Introduction to the Practice of Statistics 10e & Achieve for Introduction to the Practice of Statistics 10e (2-Term Access) [With Access Code] (Paperback, 10)
Loose-Leaf Version for the Practice of Statistics for Business and Economics & Saplingplus for the Practice of Statistics for Business and Economics ( (Loose Leaf, 5)
Loose-Leaf Version for the Introduction to the Practice of Statistics 10e & Achieve for Introduction to the Practice of Statistics 10e (2-Term Access) (Loose Leaf, 10)
Loose-Leaf Version for the Introduction to the Practice of Statistics 9e & Webassign Homework and E-Book (Life of Edition Access) [With eBook] (Loose Leaf, 9)
Loose-Leaf Version for the Introduction to the Practice of Statistics 10e & Achieve for Introduction to the Practice of Statistics 10e (1-Term Access) (Loose Leaf, 10)