
과학 베스트
Nexus : A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to ...
Sapiens : A Brief History of Humankind (Paperback, 영국판) - 『사피엔...
Cosmos (Paperback, 미국판) - 칼 세이건'코스모스' 원서
Homo Deus : A Brief History of Tomorrow (Paperback, 영국판) - <호모 데...
The Order of Time (Paperback) - 『시간은 흐르지 않는다』영문판
수학 베스트
The Selfish Gene : 40th Anniversary edition (Paperback, 4 Revised edit...
Calculus, International Metric Edition (Paperback, 9 Revised edition)
Spectrum Math Workbook, Grade 7: Volume 8 (Paperback)
Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong about the World-And Why Things Ar...
Spectrum Math Workbook, Grade 8: Volume 9 (Other)
자연생태 베스트
Cosmos (Paperback, 미국판) - 칼 세이건'코스모스' 원서
Silent Spring (Paperback, 50th Anniversary) - 『침묵의 봄』원서
Treasury of Floral Designs and Initials for Artists and Craftspeople (...
Why Fish Don't Exist: A Story of Loss, Love, and the Hidden Order of L...
ANIMAL FARM (Paperback) - 『동물농장』원서
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이 분야에 192 개의 상품이 있습니다.

Organic Chemistry : A Very Short Introduction (Paperback)

Graham Patrick / Oxford University Press

13,580원(35%할인 / 410원)

American Start with English (Paperback, 2 Rev ed)

D.H.HOWE / Oxford Univ Pr

9,750원(30%할인 / 100원)

Structure and Reactivity in Organic Chemistry (Paperback)

Mark G. Molony / Blackwell Pub

81,510원(30%할인 / 820원)

Organic Chemistry (Paperback)

McMurry, John / Brooks Cole

79,810원(40%할인 / 800원)

Chemistry All-In-One for Dummies (+ Chapter Quizzes Online) (Paperback)

Christopher Hren / For Dummies

41,980원(40%할인 / 420원)

Organic and Physical Chemistry of Polymers (Hardcover)

Yves Gnanou / Wiley-Interscience

211,010원(30%할인 / 2,120원)

Named Organic Reactions 2e (Paperback, 2)

Thomas Laue / Wiley-Interscience

121,660원(30%할인 / 1,220원)

Aerosol Sampling: Science, Standards, Instrumentation and Applications (Hardcover)

James H. Vincent / John Wiley & Sons Inc

310,730원(30%할인 / 3,110원)

Self-Healing Polymers and Polymer Composites (Hardcover)

Ming Qiu Zhang / John Wiley & Sons Inc

203,240원(30%할인 / 2,040원)

Chitosan-Based Systems for Biopharmaceuticals: Delivery, Targeting and Polymer Therapeutics (Hardcover)

Bruno Sarmento / John Wiley & Sons Inc

31,530원(90%할인 / 320원)

Nuclear and Radiochemistry (Hardcover)

Jozsef Konya / Elsevier Science Ltd

194,250원(30%할인 / 1,950원)

The Organometallic Chemistry Of The Transition Metals (Hardcover, 4th)

Robert H. Crabtree / Wiley-Interscience

159,450원(30%할인 / 1,600원)

Environmental Instrumentation and Analysis Handbook (Hardcover)

Randy D. Down / Wiley-Interscience

388,430원(30%할인 / 3,890원)

Essentials of Organic Chemistry (Paperback)

Dewick, Paul M. / John Wiley & Sons Inc

113,890원(30%할인 / 1,140원)

Organic Light Emitting Devices: Synthesis, Properties and Applications (Hardcover)

K. Mullen / Vch Verlagsgesellschaft Mbh

309,430원(30%할인 / 3,100원)

Organic Reactions in Water : Principles, Strategies and Applications (Hardcover)

U. Marcus Lindstrom / Blackwell Pub

296,480원(30%할인 / 2,970원)

Handbook of Grignard Reagents (Hardcover)

Gary S. Silverman / CRC Pr I Llc

58,960원(90%할인 / 590원)

Molecular Recognition and Polymers: Control of Polymer Structure and Self-Assembly (Hardcover)

Vincent Rotello / John Wiley & Sons Inc

251,160원(30%할인 / 2,520원)

Transport Properties of Chemicals and Hydrocarbons: Viscosity, Thermal Conductivity, and Diffusivity for More Than 7800 Hydrocarbons and Chemicals, In (Hardcover)

Yaws, Carl L. 지음 / William Andrew Pub

446,770원(30%할인 / 4,470원)

Introduction to Coordination Chemistry (Paperback)

Lawrance, Geoffrey Alan / John Wiley & Sons Inc

94,460원(30%할인 / 950원)

Palladium Reagents and Catalysts: New Perspectives for the 21st Century (Hardcover)

Jiro Tsuji / John Wiley & Sons Inc

220,080원(30%할인 / 2,210원)

Historic Textiles, Papers, and Polymers in Museums (Hardcover)

Jeanette M. Cardamone / Amer Chemical Society

207,200원(30%할인 / 2,080원)

Circular Dichroism and Magnetic Circular Dichroism Spectroscopy for Organic Chemists (Hardcover)

Nagao Kobayashi / Ingram Pub Services

181,300원(30%할인 / 1,820원)

Applications of Transition Metal Catalysis in Drug Discovery and Development: An Industrial Perspective (Hardcover)

Matthew L. Crawley / John Wiley & Sons Inc

161,800원(30%할인 / 1,620원)