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이름:데이비드 매캔 (David R. McCann)

2012년 9월 <도심의 절간>

저자의추천 작가 행사, 책 머리말, 보도자료 등에서 저자가 직접 엄선하여 추천한 도서입니다.
이 분야에 7개의 상품이 있습니다.
옵션 설정
  • 지금 택배로 주문하면 3월 18일 출고 
한국문학은 이 시리즈의 덕분에 세계문학계의 독자층에게 이전과는 다른 차원으로 성큼 다가갈 것이며 한국의 특정 작가들과 그들의 작품들이 독자들에게 알려지고 사랑을 받을 기회도 크게 확대되었다. _데이비드 매캔(하버드대학교 동아시아학과 한국문학 교수) Korean literature’s reach, the chance for particular writers and their works to be known and enjoyed, will be wonderfully extended for an international readership.
  • 지금 택배로 주문하면 3월 18일 출고 
  • 이 책의 전자책 : 6,300 보러 가기
The new Asia Publishers series of Korean literary works will be a most welcome addition deed to the resources for teaching about Korean literature. The editors and translators are among the very best and most widely experienced in the field, and the works chosen for the series are key parts of the modern to contemporary literary world of Korea. Korean literature’s reach, the chance for particular writers and their works to be known and enjoyed, will be wonderfully extended for an international readership, but at the same time, to have the texts in bilingual editions means also that for advanced Korean language classes as well as courses on Korean literature, a deep new well-spring of fresh materials has been opened. As someone who teaches and reads Korean literary work, I am delighted to welcome the new series.
  • 지금 택배로 주문하면 3월 18일 출고 
The new Asia Publishers series of Korean literary works will be a most welcome addition deed to the resources for teaching about Korean literature. The editors and translators are among the very best and most widely experienced in the field, and the works chosen for the series are key parts of the modern to contemporary literary world of Korea. Korean literature’s reach, the chance for particular writers and their works to be known and enjoyed, will be wonderfully extended for an international readership, but at the same time, to have the texts in bilingual editions means also that for advanced Korean language classes as well as courses on Korean literature, a deep new well-spring of fresh materials has been opened. As someone who teaches and reads Korean literary work, I am delighted to welcome the new series.
  • 지금 택배로 주문하면 3월 18일 출고 
  • 이 책의 전자책 : 6,300 보러 가기
The new Asia Publishers series of Korean literary works will be a most welcome addition deed to the resources for teaching about Korean literature. The editors and translators are among the very best and most widely experienced in the field, and the works chosen for the series are key parts of the modern to contemporary literary world of Korea. Korean literature’s reach, the chance for particular writers and their works to be known and enjoyed, will be wonderfully extended for an international readership, but at the same time, to have the texts in bilingual editions means also that for advanced Korean language classes as well as courses on Korean literature, a deep new well-spring of fresh materials has been opened. As someone who teaches and reads Korean literary work, I am delighted to welcome the new series.
  • 지금 택배로 주문하면 3월 18일 출고 
The new Asia Publishers series of Korean literary works will be a most welcome addition deed to the resources for teaching about Korean literature. The editors and translators are among the very best and most widely experienced in the field, and the works chosen for the series are key parts of the modern to contemporary literary world of Korea. Korean literature’s reach, the chance for particular writers and their works to be known and enjoyed, will be wonderfully extended for an international readership, but at the same time, to have the texts in bilingual editions means also that for advanced Korean language classes as well as courses on Korean literature, a deep new well-spring of fresh materials has been opened. As someone who teaches and reads Korean literary work, I am delighted to welcome the new series.
  • 지금 택배로 주문하면 3월 18일 출고 
The new Asia Publishers series of Korean literary works will be a most welcome addition deed to the resources for teaching about Korean literature. The editors and translators are among the very best and most widely experienced in the field, and the works chosen for the series are key parts of the modern to contemporary literary world of Korea. Korean literature’s reach, the chance for particular writers and their works to be known and enjoyed, will be wonderfully extended for an international readership, but at the same time, to have the texts in bilingual editions means also that for advanced Korean language classes as well as courses on Korean literature, a deep new well-spring of fresh materials has been opened. As someone who teaches and reads Korean literary work, I am delighted to welcome the new series.
  • 지금 택배로 주문하면 3월 18일 출고 
The new Asia Publishers series of Korean literary works will be a most welcome addition deed to the resources for teaching about Korean literature. The editors and translators are among the very best and most widely experienced in the field, and the works chosen for the series are key parts of the modern to contemporary literary world of Korea. Korean literature’s reach, the chance for particular writers and their works to be known and enjoyed, will be wonderfully extended for an international readership, but at the same time, to have the texts in bilingual editions means also that for advanced Korean language classes as well as courses on Korean literature, a deep new well-spring of fresh materials has been opened. As someone who teaches and reads Korean literary work, I am delighted to welcome the new series.
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